Sunday, July 5, 2009

James Lovelock video - The Vanishing Face of Gaia

James Lovelock, author of The Vanishing Face of Gaia, discusses his book in this short video:

Mr. Lovelock visited Kepler's on June 16th. Here is Marilyn Stoddard's report:

James Lovelock delivers a major wake-up call on climate change. He cites scientific observation that shows that the climate is changing faster then was predicted even a few years ago. He observes that sea level is one of the best measures of that change. Drought and finding adequate water supplies will become one of the most difficult consequences we will have to deal with. He predicts that we only have a few decades to prepare and that change will happen faster than we can adapt to it. Some areas of the world will fare better than others creating a flow of refugees. In the long run, our focus will have to on survival. On a warmer planet people will have to migrate toward the poles. Ultimately he thinks we will survive as a high tech, more compact civilization, and possibly a wiser people.

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