Thursday, August 25, 2011

Book of the Week: The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Nancy S., who has a preternaturally accurate talent for picking out the books that will be loved by many before they hit anyone else's radar (a shelf of Nancy's recommendations is basically a visual catalog of recent and future bestsellers), would like you to read Vanessa Diffenbaugh's debut novel, The Language of Flowers. This elegant and emotionally intense novel came out just this week, but already sports an impressive assortment of enthusiastic words.

Get the book HERE.

Nancy says:

"I haven't read anything this good by a first-time novelist since The Help. I can't even do justice to it by writing about it. If I had five stars to give it, I would reinvent the system and give it ten. Writing, characters, plot... it's all there. Do yourself a favor... enjoy this book. It's amazing."

Learn more from the author herself:

1 comment:

Italia said...

The Language of Flowers is a moving story of a young girl kicked around by life and the foster care system. It kept me glued to the page this holiday weekend, as I couldn't seem to let go of Victoria and her unique means of communication. We first meet Victoria on her eighteenth birthday, when she ages out of the system and is thrust into society. Her social worker asks for her plan, but the problem is Victoria doesn't have one. She doesn't know what she wants and is carrying around enough anger, misery and self loathing that I had a hard time imagining her ever being able to cope with anything.