Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Love Letter and Note of Encouragement

Stacey Kohut wrote an amazing love letter to the Booksmith in San Francisco. In it she describes some of the wonderful people who make the Booksmith the place that it is. She also mentions a fondness for Kepler's and her excitement about the Kepler's 2020 project. We'll quote that bit below, but you should really head over to the Booksmith blog and read the entire thing. It might make you want to write your own love letter...
"When Praveen Madan, who co-owns The Booksmith with his wife, Christin Evans, told me a few months ago that he and Christin would be joining forces with other business and community leaders to reinvent and revitalize Kepler’s in Menlo Park, I did a little dance of joy in the middle of the store.  Kepler’s was my first independent California bookstore, one of the few treats I permitted myself when I moved to the Bay Area fourteen years ago and was living on AmeriCorps wages in nearby Redwood City.  It is one of my sacred places, and in recent years it has pained me to see such a vibrant and important cultural icon struggle to stay afloat.  Now, bolstered by local support and Praveen and Christin’s talents, I have utter confidence that Kepler’s is going to thrive, joining The Booksmith in maintaining a space where readers and writers can reach across an expanse of infinite pages to create real connections, literary, cultural, and personal."
Thanks, Stacey!